The Herrmann AFM Group
Elucidating the mechanisms of action of bioactive natural products by AFM



  • PD Dr. Fabian Christopher Herrmann (Junior Group Leader)

  • Daniel Amiteye (PhD student 2021)

  • Adriana Fernandes (PhD thesis 2023)

  • Niklas Mayer (master thesis 2024)

  • Matthias Weiler (co-supervised PhD)

  • Anton Zürbig (SAFIR grant intern)

  • Joanna Helbig (student intern since 2021)

  • Marie Müffelmann (student intern 2023)




  • Mirko Hirsch (master thesis 2023)

  • Leonardo Elsbroek (masterthesis 2022, currently PhD student at Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg)

  • Viktoria Bachtin (research internship, currently practical year in public pharmacy)

  • Nicola Knetzger (master thesis 2020, currently PhD student, Fraunhofer Institute Würzburg)

  • Nica Classen (PJ, partially supervised, currently PhD student, University of Münster)

  • Katharina Possart (master thesis 2019, currently PhD student, University of Münster)

  • Daniel Dornbusch (master thesis 2019, currently PhD student, Helmholtz Institute Dresden)

  • Sebastian Schreiber (student intern, WWU SAFIR 3rd party funding, currently PhD student, University of Münster)